Monday 29 September 2008


Nerves were something that had never bothered me before but due to learning the flute and taking up grades i soon found that life wasn't as plain sailing as everyone made it out to be.
As time grew closer to my grade one i began getting nervous every time i thought about it, something that i would realise would be my downfall later on in life.
By now myself and the teachers daughter were beginning to realise who could play and learn quicker and sadly i wasn't the one that was learning very quickly. She soon became the best flute player in the school and this was something that really bugged me and as a result i strive even harder to try and become the best in the school.
Gradually i became more and More confident at playing this grew as i became closer to the exam and as a result it was time to play my pieces with a piano! (Shock Horror) this was moving quick and gradually after a couple of rehearsals the exam day was here and sat in the waiting room was so nerve wracking that it was making my heart beat so hard. But how would i do ?

Tuesday 23 September 2008

The start

Hi there these blogs are going to be me telling you about the interesting points in my musical career so far.
I think that probably the best place to start from is the beginning, this began when i was 6. I remember sat there at breakfast as my nan walked in and asked if i wanted to learn the flute, now to many people a 6 year old boy saying yes to that was daft but i wanted to, this was probably the biggest life changing moment ever. somehow i agreed and began learning the flute. Yes to start with there was the odd Micky taking but at this stage i was oblivious to the torture this would bring later on in my life.
Anyway my first memory of the flute is my teacher giving me the flute head joint being taught how to blow the flute, this was the first time i realised that music was something i enjoyed and could let out some "steam". Gradually over the weeks i was finding it easier to find a sound, this pleased my teacher and i began learning the fingerings of the notes.
Being in primary school my lessons were shared with a girl who thought that she was better than everyone else. Normally i'd let these people go but because of her mum being the teacher i was out to prove something to her and her mum. Gradually i began working for grade 1 flute and i soon began finding out what nerves were.